Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dear Friends,

Feminist Friday needs to be a bit late this weekend. I have a serious problem that I need to deal with. I hope you all understand.

Your friend,
Erina Hart

UPDATE: The problem has been taken care of. I’m back

Thanks for the support.


Rolando said...

We'll be here Erina. Your problem, whatever it may be, is more important.

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers Erina. I hope everything is ok.

Staci Rose said...

Take care, be well - we'll all wait! ;)

mikkers said...

aw, you should never have to apologize for not writing in your blog. that you choose to share with us your creativity is something that we should always be thanking you for!

So, thank you for writing and I will of-course patiently wait until real-life sorts itself out and you can come back :). I hope everything works out for you!

Joanne said...

Of course, we do. Take care~

Rolando said...

Glad all is well. :)

Erina Hart said...

Thanks everyone! All five of you are great friends :)

Rolando said...

Just as you are to us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Erina, glad all's well now, thank you for the welcome in your blog :)and thank you for being so nice :) your blog too has a very good friendly aura:)

Erina Hart said...

Thira, thank you for such a kind comment. I appreciate the fact that you visit my blog. Thank you for the support :)